Frankenmuth Lions Club
As a member of Lions Clubs International, the Frankenmuth Lions Club is a non-profit organization that has been serving the needs of the blind, the visually impaired, and our community as a whole for over 65 years.
This site is intended as a communication vehicle that extends beyond our membership and into immediate and extended communities and organizations. WE SERVE The Frankenmuth Lions Club and its members are involved in many community activities and conduct fund-raising projects. Profits from our projects are used to support Lions International projects including Vision, the Environment, Pediatric Cancer, Diabetes and local community endeavors. For more information, visit the Projects page of this website or use this link: If you have questions or are interested in becoming a member, text our Membership Chair Lion Tom at 989-295-9527 |
Frankenmuth Leos Club

“Leadership, Experience, Opportunity.” That’s what makes a Leo. Members of Leo clubs embody the best qualities of our incredible organization. They are devoted young people who realize the power of action. Together, Leos and Lions form a powerful partnership — one of mutual respect where Lions learn from the innovative insights of Leos, and where Leos gain access to the proven strategies of those who’ve successfully served the world for decades.
The Frankenmuth Lions Club sponsors the Frankenmuth Leos Club, formed in 2023. The club meets every second and fourth Thursday, 3:15 - 4:00 PM, at the E.F Rittmueller Cafeteria. All local students ages 12-18 are welcome to join. Contact Lion Tom at 989-295-9527 for more information.
The Frankenmuth Lions Club sponsors the Frankenmuth Leos Club, formed in 2023. The club meets every second and fourth Thursday, 3:15 - 4:00 PM, at the E.F Rittmueller Cafeteria. All local students ages 12-18 are welcome to join. Contact Lion Tom at 989-295-9527 for more information.
Lion Haus
Located in Frankenmuth's Heritage Park, The Lion Haus was constructed in 1971 at a cost of $32,000.00. Following completion, the building was donated to the city. The building was intended for and remains the site of the club's food service projects. Beginning in 2019, the Lions Club is performing major updates and renovations to the inside of the building. We appreciate the many community groups and individuals who have contributed financially to this project. |
Please send any correspondence to:
Frankenmuth Lions Club P.O. Box 298 Frankenmuth, MI 48734 or email Frankenmuth Lions Club at: Follow us on FaceBook: Beginning July 1, 2019, we are offering the opportunity for Frankenmuth area groups to help with our food service fundraisers at the Lion Haus, if needed. Compensation to the group is based on hours of service at $10 per hour. Requests for other donations should be made in writing to the above P.O. Box or email address. |